THEĀ Journal

{2023-2024 archives)

Reflection & Rejuvenation

2024 announcements clarity community inspiration motivation team transition Jun 28, 2024
A quote from Audrey Hepburn over a floral background. The quote reads: To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.


As creative women we are often balancing many things, therefore stepping away from the everyday and into step with the company of other creative women brings peace to the balance. Our Summer Solstice Hike was an excellent opportunity to do so in the company of those who share the same desire, and hold space to refocus our energy together.

We could not be more grateful!



As we gathered at the Queen of The Lake Trail, the sun glowed through the trees around us. The weather was perfect and a gentle breeze beckoned us to begin this beautiful experience together.

As we lined up to embark on our hike, it was a beautiful reminder of how powerful it is to make connections with other women through a shared love of nature and hiking, as well as our shared experiences as women. We journeyed forward like ducks in a row!

We had a wonderful turnout of 21 women who signed up to join us. Over half were new faces who quickly became new friends. The water lapped peacefully along the shore as we took in the sights and smells of nature, wildflowers happily blooming to accompany us throughout the trail.

As the time came to enjoy a thoughtfully prepared meal, it was thoughtfully delivered to us by boat! This nourishment to our bodies was the perfect pairing to the nourishment our creative minds and souls received from gathering together.

It was lovely to spend this time with you.



As you know, Virtuosa Society was founded with the goal of uplifting creative women from all walks of life. We would like to thank each and every one of you who joined us on this journey. Your presence in itself is a treasure and your company is priceless.

This was truly a much-needed escape in the best way. As the moon rose over the lake in full splendor upon our return, we were reminded of the peaceful repose that Mother Nature always has available to us once we step into her realm.

Special shout-outs to Keegan Mueller of A Leap Of Taste for the exquisite meal, and Brenna Morgan of Truth and Light Studios for the gorgeous photos! This hike was truly one to remember and your beautiful work helped make it so.





The energy of the Summer season is undeniable. Her sunshine beckons playfulness and exploration, warm bodies of water calling our inner child to step away from the norm for a splash and a laugh. Now is the time to harness her power of play! The days are longer, the nights are temperate, and our gardens bloom under her splendor.

As creative women, our triumphs often do not get the celebration they deserve. We can work twice as hard and get half the credit while facing the constant expectation to perform for the satisfaction of others. This Summer, we reject the expectations of the world, of the man-made structures that have left us in the elements to lay our own foundation and create our own place to thrive. Our gardens are long since planted and are now blooming with us, despite all that threatens to demean our efforts.


As they say in the theater, Virtuosa Society is going dark… to emerge once again and shine the spotlight on even more creative women and ways to uplift them.

We are harnessing that Summer energy to give our entire website a complete makeover as we prepare to roll out additional services and events! We thank you for your patience as we prepare for our next season of new offerings that we are very excited to present to you. 

You may not hear from us for a bit, but rest assured that there is a lot of work going on behind the scenes. 

In the meantime, we would love to hear some feedback from you. Click here to check out our very short survey, click a few boxes, and we will lovingly keep your inspiration in mind as we roll out these changes.

Virtuosa Society and our beloved founder Katie both have birthdays in August, so stay tuned! We are so excited to elevate our services to better uplift creative women around the world.

We wish you all a wonderful Summer season filled with joyous fulfillment and rejuvenating creative energy!


With love,

The Virtuosa Society Team